This is an exclusive small group membership that focuses on your complete Fitness and Nutrition. Are ready to get results and be committed to your goals?
Classes are Mon/Wed/Fri at 5:45am and 6:45am.
Learn more about Smith Performance Group.
Smith Performance
Personal Training
Personal Training sessions are completely designed around your fitness level, goals, and interest. We offer either 30-minute or 60-minute sessions.
To fit your schedule.
Family Smith Fit Circuit & Kickboxing
This get in and get out is a high pace class that is only 30-minutes this class has circuit that incorporates fitness exercise from weights to cardio, and so much more. Kickboxing bag work
Classes are Mon//Tue/Wed/Thr 4:15 pm to 5:15 pm
Learn more about Smith Fit Circuit.
Self-Defense Workshops
This 2-hour workshop consist of Verbal distraction, Stand up skill, Ground skills (rape prevention), Basic sticks & knife and Environmental outdoors. Learn simple ways to get away in three moves or less, understanding 3 elements of Fight, Flight & Freeze and how to overcome them. This is street tactics and strategies that has a martial arts in it. Self defense should be so simple that a 5-year-old to 90-year-old person should be able to do. So many people put their lives in the hands of equipment defenses such pepper spray, tasers, etc. only to find out this there is a malfunction with it. This skill set will last a lifetime.
Learn more about our Self Defense Workshops.
Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)
Our mixed martial arts, also known as MMA, classes are designed for both beginner and experienced athletes, they are a ton of fun and a very effective way to stay in fighter shape – without ever having to fight. Learn practical and highly effective standing and ground skills. MMA offers a fighters workout with a combination of light and medium contact workouts drills and sparring. If you ever wanted to train like a fighter, this class is for you!
Private lesson
Learn more about MMA.
This is fun fitness based and also real martial arts attributes will get your heart pumping, help you get fit/stronger, get an amazing workout, plus is a huge STRESS reducer. Our 50-minute class has burned up to 947 calories.
Classes are Mon/Tue/Wed/Thr at 5:30pm to 6:20pm
Learn more about Kickboxing.
Boxing/ Kickboxing
(ages 50+) If you are looking to improve your agility and balance through a fun cardio workout, our 50+ Boxing Class is for you. Our boxing workout combines 4-simple moves into basic to advanced combos that improve you neurological and physical fitness. Our class is an upright safe impact style, using soft impact punching bags that are safe on joints.
Classes are Tue/Thr from 3:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.
Kids Class
(ages 9 to 12) Kids class is amazing if your child is looking to build confidence, stay focused, and be held accountable for his/her actions. Building life skills for making eye contact, a simple firm handshake, gain self control, build respect & character.
Classes are Monday & Wednesday from 3:15-4 pm
Learn more about Kids Classes.